In recent months, there were parts of the country that have experienced great devastation caused by the onslaught of Typhoon Paeng in Visayas and Mindanao as well as several earthquake incidents in the Ilocos Region.

As the impact of these natural calamities such as casualties and property losses become more prominent, timely and appropriate disaster management and mitigation must be the top priority of government agencies, local government units, and vulnerable communities.

In response to this, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), in collaboration with DOST- National Capital Region and DOST-Technology Application and Promotion Institute, conducts Handa Pilipinas: Innovations in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Expo 2022 to be held on 09-11 November 2022 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.

The three-day event will showcase the latest innovative technologies and products and research and development (R&D) project-related disaster risk reduction and response technologies through interactive exhibits and hands-on breakout sessions.

DOST and its partner organizations aim to use this event as venue to increase the awareness of different stakeholders on technologies that can be utilized to enhance the capabilities of the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management offices in mitigating, preparing, and responding to hazards.

Some of the DOST technologies featured are Tsunami Alerting System and Disaster Early Warning, Automated Weather Station, GeoSafer, Damaged Building Detection, and Cartography of the Old Informs the NEW or COIN for Innovations in Early Warning System Cluster.

Under the Food Security Cluster, innovations include Irradiated Chicken Adobo, Rice-Mongo Curls and Crunchies, Micronutrient Growth Mix, Brown Rice Bar, Pack of Hope Ready-to-Eat Emergency Relief Foods, Canton Noodle with Squash and Ready to Drink Mungbean and coconut cream.

Also included are technologies related to human-built infrastructure. These are Ceramic Water Filter, Shop Fabricated House or F-Shelter, Do-It-Yourself Bamboo Shelter, Structural Joining Systems or Connecting Bamboo Poles, REwear, and Cocopatch.

Meanwhile, for the DRRM Capabilities and Innovations Cluster, the technologies included are Water Ambulance, Fire Fighter Tricycle, Mobile Command Post and Triaging Trailer

Tent, Turbo Misting Canon, Mobile Home, Pop-up Home, and Sanitation Misting Tunnel, and RT-PCR Detection Kit by the Manila Health Tek Corporation.

Lastly, for the Digital and Application Innovations Cluster, the technologies included are Fire Check, Bagong PAGASA website, Hazard Hunter, Plan Smart, How Safe is My House, and VolcanoPH Info.

The Handa Pilipinas Expo was originally scheduled on March 12-14, 2020, at the World Trade Center as well. However, due to the continuous rise of COVID-19 cases at that time and the start of the implementation of various restrictions and health protocols, the DOST decided to postpone the event until now.

The Handa Pilipinas Expo 2022 is open from November 9-11, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. For more information, please visit the DOST Philippines' official Facebook Page. (By Allan Mauro V. Marfal, DOST-STII)