The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regions IX, X, XI, Caraga, and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), in partnership with the 3M Philippines - Food Safety Department, will be hosting a four-part webinar series on Food Safety that started in April up to June this year.
With the theme, “A journey to food safety from farm to fork”, the webinars aim to provide the participants valuable insights to help their businesses improve their respective food safety program. Four key topics on food safety will be discussed. The first was on Understanding Food Quality and Food Safety held last 16 April 2021. The succeeding webinars are as follows: Why is Microbial Food Testing Essential? (May 3), Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19 (May 17), and Environmental Monitoring Program as a Food
Safety Strategy (June 7). Angel “Jun” Barnes, Jr., MSc, of 3M Philippines Food Safety will be the speaker for the said series.
A total of 192 participants from the different parts of Mindanao, as well as from Visayas and Luzon areas have already participated in the first webinar that was held last 16 April 2021 via Microsoft Teams Meeting.
For the remaining webinars, interested participants may register for free through this link: . The webinar series is being facilitated by the DOST-XI Food Safety Team. (DOST XI S&T Promotion)