DOST Region II has been in the frontlines when it comes to helping local micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in the region. With the goal of helping them to improve their businesses and adjust to the new normal, the DOST has been consistent in providing several science and technology (S&T) services, one of which is the fund for MSMEs in Cagayan Valley.


With that, two virtual awarding ceremonies for the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading (SETUP) program were done on 29 and 30 April 2021 in the provinces of Cagayan and Nueva Vizcaya, consecutively. The awarding ceremonies were spearheaded by the Provincial Science and Technology Centers in the said provinces. 

Not only did the ceremony highlighted the funding assistance, but it also provided an avenue for the local MSMEs to express their challenges caused by the pandemic. MSMEs were given time, through the open forum, to air their responses as they received their funding.

“The pandemic has been a challenge, especially financially, but I thank DOST for helping us get back on our feet,” said Mr. Hernandez, owner of Water Mart Refilling Station in Nueva Vizcaya.

Furthermore, DOST-II Regional Director Sancho A. Mabborangexpressed his gratitude to the MSMEs for trusting DOST to help them in this pandemic. “This is a very difficult time but I’m very happy that you’ve requested for our assistance,” said Dir. Mabborang.

DOST-II, through PSTC-Cagayan, led by Engr. Sylvia Lacambra, awarded a total of Php 3,928,720 Innovation Fund to eight MSMEs. The following firms who were given financial support are as follows: 1) Bato Miki Laddit Food Processing, 2) Nida Lechon Manok and Liempo House, 3) UH Printing and Design Services, 4) ACJ Autoparts, 5) Cheener Gas Station, 6) RJV Welding Shop, 7) JMJ Food Products, and 8) Nicanor A. MaggayWeding Shop.

As for PSTC-Nueva Vizcaya, led by Engr. Jonathan Nuestro, a total of Php. 2.2 million Innovation Fund was given to three MSMEs: Surf Print & Go, Aivler’s Auto Care Center, and LM Grains Trading.

Present during the awarding ceremonies were elected government officials from the provinces, namely: Hon. Pastor Ross Resuello, Board Member of 3rd District Cagayan and Hon. Mayor Ralph Lantionof Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.