Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya – The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office II (DOST-II), through the Provincial Science and Technology Center-Nueva Vizcaya, partnered with Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) to establish an Ethanol Production Facility (EPF) that can produce ethyl alcohol. This initiative is seen to help boost the region’s efforts in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

The said project will be using agricultural waste, like rice and corn, to produce ethyl alcohol. DOST-II provided ­­Digital Refractometer, Handheld Density Meter, and other equipment while NVSU will provide the building facility. The project will be headed by PSTC-Nueva Vizcaya’s provincial director, Jonathan Nuestro, Lori Shayne Busa, and Dr. Wilfredo Dumale Jr., NVSU Vice President for Research, Extension, and Training.