The Regional Health Research and Development Consortium-XI (RHRDC XI) announced that its call for Health Research and Development (R&D) proposals for CY 2022 is now open.

Over one million pesos in funding support from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) will be granted to researchers and faculty members of RHRDC-XI member institutions who would like to collaborate and develop scientific or technical solutions to strengthen health R&D amidst the ongoing public health challenges in the country.

All proposals must be feasible within 6 months to 1 year and should be based on the priority areas indicated in the 2017-2022 Region XI Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA) which

may be downloaded thru this link:

Interested applicants should submit the following on 11 February 2022:

1. Capsule proposal (download the format here)

2. Endorsement from the Head of Institution addressed to Dr. Warlito C. Vicente, Chair, RHRDC XI (free format)

3. Curriculum Vitae of the proponent/s (free format)

For more details, kindly visit or send us a message on the official Facebook page of Regional Health Research and Development Consortium XI. (Information from DOST XI S&T Information and Promotion)