The Department of Science and Technology-National Research Council of the Philippines (DOST-NRCP) recommended possible courses of action that government agencies can collaborate on to help improve the conditions of Laguna lake. The recommendations were borne out of consultations with various environmental experts.

“Funding in the area of policy assessment and researches on destructive fish species can go a long way,” says Joselito A. Carteciano, project leader and co-organizer of Lake Ecosystem Assessment in the Philippines.

Studies have shown that “fish quality is the recurring major issue of the fisheries sector in Laguna de Bay.” Among the major causes of the decline in fish quality are the waste accumulation from households, industries, and factories; the settlements’ construction and urbanization; and climate change.

Current studies show that the lake is getting worse despite the intended measures (policy, relevant institution/s, programs, regulations), thus  there is an impending need to assess the relevance of existing policies and measures. There is a need, for instance, to review the extent of implementation of regulations, identify the stumbling blocks, and determine proper course of actions for the lake to get better and not worse for the next 20-50 years, according to DOST-NRCP’s recommended course of action.

“Another area where government can help is through information campaign,” says Marieta B. Sumagaysay, PhD, executive director of DOST-NRCP.“We have a pool of environmental, fish, climate and agriculture experts whom we can tap to help in the information campaign at the barangay or municipal level.”

DOST-NRCP has about 4,000 S&T research members nationwide.

“Laguna Lake is on the verge of a coronary attack,” was howNeri Acosta, former general manager of the Laguna Lake Development Authority, described the condition of Laguna Lake in a forum in November 2016.

Among problems confronting the lake is the flood hazards; denuded sub-watersheds, conflicting water uses, deteriorating water quality, among others. (By Geraldine Bulaon-Ducusin, DOST-STII)