As a way of moving forward, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Thailand agreed to work together in eightareas. Said areas include medical science, food processing, innovative agriculture, electronics and computer, nanotechnology, space technology, innovative start-up, and metrology.

The collaboration was fleshed out when Science Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña,along with the Philippine delegation met with MOST Minister AtchakaSibunruang and her heads of agenciesduring a ministerial meeting in Bangkok, Thailand on 23 -26 August 2017.


The partnership was cemented last March 31 this year when the Philippines through Sec. de la Peñasigned a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Kingdom of Thailand. Following the MOA signing was a Senior Officials Meeting that identified areas of collaboration between the two countries. Heading the Philippine delegation for the SOM was Assistant Secretary for International Cooperation Dr. Leah J. Buendia while the MOST delegation was led by Deputy Permanent Secretary Dr. PathomSawanpanyalert.

Details on the implementation of the partnership are currently being forged by working committees.  Minister Sibunruang and Sec. de la Peña said they werehappy with the progress of the meeting and expressed their respective desires to realize the agreed collaboration.

The Philippines and Thailand have continuously maintained a cordial and stable relationship,recognizing each other’s strength in terms of economic and industrial growth. (By Deni E. Gabales, DOST-ITCU)