Science recently took another facet as a corruption prevention tool when the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) awarded the Department of Science and Technology a silver award during the PACC’s first anniversary on 6 March 2019.
The award was received by both the DOST and Department of Budget and Management(DBM) for their collaborative venture called Project DIME which made the government’s transparency and accountability efforts more efficient.
Also known as Digital Imaging for Monitoring and Evaluation, Project DIME enabled the government to efficiently monitor the status, financing, and implementation of big-ticket projects using existing technologies such as satellites, drones, Lidar, and geotagging software.
Said technologies facilitated the monitoring of projects especially those in far-flung areas where physical inspection would be difficult or complicated.
Currently, Project DIME monitors 12 high-value projects, including the Health Facilities Enhancement Program of the Department of Health, the National Greening Program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the National/Communal Irrigation Systems of the National Irrigation Authority, among others.
Data from the Project enables the DBM to evaluate project status and make recommendationswhether to continue or discontinue project funding or take other actions to improve the project.
The distinction was among the one-year-old commission’s efforts in recognizing and awarding government agencies for their programs and activities that fight graft and corruption in the bureaucracy.
Other awardees were the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission and the Anti-Money Laundering Council (both Bronze Award). The Gold Award went to the Philippine National Police Firearms and Explosives Office - FEO.