More jobs, more equipped workers, more businesses, and more income—these are the ultimate aims of MakiBayan, the Department of Science and Technology’s solution in raising the productivity of the metals industry in the country. Short for “Makinarya at Teknolohiya para sa Bayan,” MakiBayan is a tripartite program that involves close collaboration among DOST, the metalworks and other allied industries, and the Engineering Research and Development for Technology (ERDT), a consortium of topnotch engineering universities across the country.


The rash of defaced foreign websites allegedly carried out by local hacker groups is neither sanctioned nor condoned by the Philippine Government, and must be stopped at the soonest. This is the statement issued by officials from the Department of Science and Technology’s Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO).


Metalworks and allied sectors machinery and electronics will now get the very important push they need to slug it out in the global arena. Through the program called “MakiBayan” or Makina at Teknolohiya para sa Bayan, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) along with industry giants and the academe will work together to poise the industries into addressing local demand and global competition.

This partnership is formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo on April 16 in Bella Ibarra, Quezon City with leaders of the metal and electronics sectors, with collaboration coming from  a consortium of top-notch engineering schools.