Manila, Philippines – With the repatriation of 28,589 OFWs as of 21 May 2020, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) launched a project entitled iFWD PH: Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines on 28 May 2020 to provide assistance in establishing alternative livelihood projects in their own provinces.

The Department of Science and Technology-CALABARZON together with the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) San Pablo, through their Ideation, Design, and Development (IDD) Laboratory have joined forces to help in the battle against COVID-19.

Misamis Occidental- With General Community Quarantine still implemented in Misamis Occidental and movement is limited, a lot of Misamisnon are still waiting for help to sustain their daily living particularly in terms of bringing food to their table.