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The Department of Science and Technology- Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII) announces that nomination of media personalities to the Bantog: The Science for the People Media Awards is still on. The Institute shall receive nominations until May 31, 2018.
Read more: Nominations for DOST’s Bantog Awards still on until May 31, 2018
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Most technologies developed by the Department of Science and Technology use local raw materials that went through innovations in terms of product or process improvements, making them distinct from their commercial counterparts.
“These government-developed technologies are designed to factor in the social, economic, and environmental benefits,” revealed Nelia Florendo, chief of the Technical Services Division of the DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI), when asked on the edge of their developed technologies over some of the commercial ones.
Read more: DOST-developed technologies designed for socio-economic, environmental gains
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The Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) put up its stakes to fund the country’s first “smart farm.”
The “smart farm” is a facility for the Smart Plant Production in Controlled Environments (SPICE), a P128M program that will promote urban farming and high-tech plant conservation. It will be housed at the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute’s Nursery of Indigenous and Endemic Plants in Quezon City.