The restrictions brought about by the pandemic had one good thing; it caused a sudden surge of interest in gardening, particularly producing one’s own vegetable for personal consumption or as a hobby. Surprisingly, this activity also caught the fancy of the younger generation.

To give a boost to the public health care system in the country, lawmakers passed the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law in 2019, with the main goal of expanding the services of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), from free consultation up to the laboratory and other diagnostic services.

Cauayan City, Isabela – The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office II (DOST-II), through PSTC-Isabela, partners with 2nd Isabela Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC) in the provision of Php. 600,000 worth of assistance to Barangay Villaflor in Cauyan City, Isabela, under the Retooled Community Support Program of NTF-ELCAC.