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Filipino students are ready in terms of computer or internet self-efficacy - that is their ability to demonstrate proper computer and internet skills. However, they are not ready in terms of learner control.
Read more: Home is the new classroom: Are Filipino students ready for e-Learning?
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Upper Pulangi District in Bukidnon is home to 16,000 inhabitants, predominantly composed of the Umayamnons and Higaunons who remain vulnerable to natural hazards, basically because of its geographical location.
Read more: Science tools to end disaster vulnerability in the mountain barangays of Bukidnon
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July was marked as the National Disaster Resiliency Month and with this, the Department of Science and Technology – CALABARZON (DOST-CALABARZON) took this opportunity to hold the Technology Opportunity Seminar (TechOpS) on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) technologies for the 24 city and municipal DRRM officers in Cavite.
Read more: DOST brings digital technologies to 24 city and municipal disaster managers in Cavite